What I learn in KMS.

Assalamualaikum wbt and Hi guys…

So, today guys, I’ll share with u guys what I take and I have learned in KMS, in IB. So, basically, KMS have three main courses for this batch. We have International Baccalaureate Science (IBS), A-Level Engineering (ALE) and also A-Level Sains Ikhtisas (ALS). Kalau tahun sebelum2 ni, students IB dikhususkan dapat kos ape (medicine, dentistry, applied science) but my batch diorng x khususkan. Other than that, dulu2 ade jugk student architecture.

For this entry I will share all about the course that available in IBS at KMS. I’m not really known about ALE or ALS, hehehe, sorry. So, dekat KMS for kos IBS, kiteorang ada 11 pilihan subject which are :

Malay (SL) : semua student IB wajib ambik Malay A SL(standard level). Each sem, ade novel, drama, also  sajak/pantun. For sem 1, akan ada IOP yg dimana korang kena berlakon atau persembahkan satu novel/drama yang korang belajar. Mostly, ia dilakukan in group and each group member akan dapat markah yg sama. There are also written assignments (WA), IOC(same goes to IOP but this one is individually and korang kena bercakap, in sem 3). Each sem ada novel sendiri and novel tu, dah xguna untuk next sem.

English(HL) : semua student IB wajib ambik English B HL(higher level). Ada WA based on novel yg each kelas pilih sendiri. Mostly, English punya lesson sangat2 leisure especially in sem 1. Kiteorng tngk movie, buat video, buat latihan, debates, book review. Basically, English B ni kalau boleh relate kan dengan English speaking countries which are UK, US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. Korang akan belajar English ni based on core topic macm health, technology etc.

Economics(SL) or Business(HL/SL) or ITGS(SL) : Business syllabus will mostly learn, marketing, finance, management and human resources. Business relates to real life, real company. You need to analysis a few companies, do cuegis, case study, debates and presentation. What can I say, business is really fun if you enjoy it and you interest to learn more in Businss and its worldwide. For economics, I’m not sure but you’ll learn about graph, and there’s a few calculation in it. ITGS, what I know it’s about computer basic. (sorry idk about that)

Mathematics(HL/SL) : basically orang akan cakap Maths HL susah and maths SL senang, but yaaa, so far it’s true…hahaha…For who yang memang otak maths bolehlah ambik Maths HL (means you can’t take medicine k). Biasanya siapa yang ambik maths HL ni, basic maths dia mmng dah strong and I, as Maths SL student, when I ask Maths HL student about Maths SL (tough) questions, they answer it so so easily…And to take Maths HL, you guys kena rajin buat latihan and selalu buat latihan. Maths SL syllabus same as SPM syllabus with a few addition topics.

Chemistry(HL) or Physics(HL) or Biology(HL) :  korang boleh buat macam2 combination dari subject sciences ni. Chem with Physics, or chem with Bio. But there’s no bio with physics( such a weird combination :D) ada IA n need to do experiments. Last lab report for each sem is really important for final carry marks.

ESS(SL) : What I know from my friend, she said that ESS is like science subject means in ESS you’ll learn something that related to (real life?) Idk that but yaa, it looks like that. You will learn about hierarchy of plants and etc.

Visual Arts(SL) : I’m not really sure about this subject but what I heard from my friends, diorang kena melukis untuk final. Diorang cakap senang nak dapat 7 points through VA but not all student can take arts sbb untuk ambik arts u guys cannot take Bio HL. So, there’s option to take this subject.

Islamic Studies : Compulsary to all muslim students. Korang akan ada ayat hafazan for each sem. Ada kerja kursus(buku skrap). Ada syllabus yang korang kene belajar untuk final exam. There’s no pointer given tapi kene lulus(40 marks and above).

TOK : Subject ni wajib diambil sebb it’s include dalam pointer final sem 4 nanti bersama CAS and EE (3 marks). TOK(theory of knowledge) subject yang sangat menarik sebenarnya, sbb korang akan belajar dgn mendalam tentang sesuatu perkara dan korang kena relate kan dengan apa yang difikirkan. Actually I still tertanya-tanya apa yg ada dalam TOK and what I learned masa sem 1 just basic things. Same as other subject, TOK ade juga main subtopic yang korang kene belajar. Like my teacher, he sharing about his personal life that related to the topic that we will learn and that was so interesting that attracts us to focus in the class. Pak Lan has its own rules which is in the class, students need to focus 100% (not even 99.9%) and PLEASE DON’T PLAY OR OPEN OR TOUCH YOUR MOBILE PHONE. No sleep or else you will get slap by him. Make note because sometimes he’ll ask what is the latest lesson that you learned in last class.

CAS : not subject and it’s compulsory to all IB students. Dekat KMS, we have four main clubs which are Home Living Club (HLC), EduClub, MercyMedic and also BioNature Club. Each student need to choose one club. CAS hours is really important and you guys need to fulfill them. Actually CAS ni macam buat kerja2 kebajikan kepada masyarakat then every CAS week, korang kena buat reflection form or report pasal activity yang korang buat. For example, I’m HLC member, so every CAS week, we’ll sell and cook our menu, and each member has its own job and responsibility. Macam saya, saya bahagian memasak and serve makann, so in reflection form, I can say that through cooking and serving, I learned that what technic that right to use, how to deal with the customers, any ethic that I apply to elders. You guys should enjoy doing  CAS activity and gain some knowledge.

So, sebab saya berhasrat nak sambung medic after this, I ambik English, Chemistry, Biology for HL and Business, Mathematics, Malay for SL. Syarat nak ambik Medic or Dentistry, u guys kene ambik Chem HL n Bio HL. For pharmacist, I guess Chem HL is enough. Business or ITGS or Economics(SL)  doesn’t matter and not affect your choices except if u take those subjects in HL. Kalau korang rasa kurang sesuai dengan subjek yang korang ambik, korang boleh je tukar masa tengah belajar tu. But of course korang kena kejar syllabus tu. Kelas akan dibahagikan ikut main subjects yg korang pilih. Macam batch I;

13.1 = Maths HL@SL/Physic HL/VA/Econs SL/Business HL/ESS SL/Chemistry HL/Bio HL/ ITGS ( mix combinations)
13.2 & 13.3 = Bio HL/Chem HL/Business SL/Econs SL/ITGS/ Maths SL
13.5 & 13.6 = Bio HL/Chem HL/Business SL/Econs SL/Maths SL

Each student ada kelebihan masing2 on which subject they interest to. So, pick and choose wisely subject yang korang nak ambik nanti k. So, that’s all for this entry. See u guys next entry. Oh yaaa, if you guys wanna ask more about the subjects you can email me or comment below. I’ll try asking my friends about the subjects if you want to know it further.

Bye, Assalamualaikum.  Sayonara~


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