About Myself 🌸

Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera...πŸ’πŸ’

First of all,this is my second blog...But my latest blog was not really work bcause I do not remember the password... hahahah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
So,I create this new one...

Sy akan tulis blog ni dlm bahasa yg campur aduk dgn bahasa Melayu,English...
And sy akan bahasakan diri saya dgn 
'sy or I'...
Sbb pnggilan 'aku' ni sy jarang guna...So,it's awkward for me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

For this post,I would like to share my personal info a.k.a introduction...So,I guess this is a little bit clishΓ¨ and if you wanna skip this post,it's okay...I don't mind it πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I'm not a person that really good in English but yaaa,practice makes prefect perfect,right??


Nama:Siti Nur Ashikin Binti Manshor
Umur:18 tahun (2017)
Tarikh Lahir:03/08/99
Makanan Kegemaran:Ayam Goreng,Kerang,Mashed Potato
Minuman Kegemaran:Milo ais,Nescafe
Hobi:Menonton televisyen,melayari internet,mewarna
Moto Hidup:"Be the best,beat the rest" @ "Nothing's Impossible

So,that's all from me for my first post...
Fyi,I like to end my sentences with 3 dots/comma like this (...)
So,dont be weird k... 😁😁😁

Do follow my IG,Twitter,FB...
Instagram:Shikin_shii (private but I'll accept you)


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