
What I learn in KMS.

Assalamualaikum wbt and Hi guys… So, today guys, I’ll share with u guys what I take and I have learned in KMS, in IB. So, basically, KMS have three main courses for this batch. We have International Baccalaureate Science (IBS), A-Level Engineering (ALE) and also A-Level Sains Ikhtisas (ALS). Kalau tahun sebelum2 ni, students IB dikhususkan dapat kos ape (medicine, dentistry, applied science) but my batch diorng x khususkan. Other than that, dulu2 ade jugk student architecture. For this entry I will share all about the course that available in IBS at KMS. I’m not really known about ALE or ALS, hehehe, sorry. So, dekat KMS for kos IBS, kiteorang ada 11 pilihan subject which are : Malay (SL) : semua student IB wajib ambik Malay A SL(standard level). Each sem, ade novel, drama, also  sajak/pantun. For sem 1, akan ada IOP yg dimana korang kena berlakon atau persembahkan satu novel/drama yang korang belajar. Mostly, ia...

My Braces Journey : Before Pakai Braces πŸ˜€

Assalamualaikum wbt and Hi guys… So, hari ni saya akan share pasal my experiences pakai braces. Firstly, what you should know is; πŸ€ Tempat buat braces : Klinik Kerajaan di Terengganu 🌼 Cost that I have to pay : RM 700 ± 20  (because my parents not a government worker so I need to pay that amount la, yang plus minus tu ialah caj cabut gigi...sekarang,dengar2 yang parents kerja government pun kene bayar, not sure berapa yg diorng kene byr je... ) πŸ„ Umur masa pasang Braces : 17 tahun 🌳 Gigi kena cabut : 4 batang ( 2 atas dan bawah) Tu je rasanya…Ok, first and foremost, common and clichΓ© question orang selalu tanya, sakit tak pakai braces? From my experiences, masa mula2 pakai tu tak sakit langsung but you akan rasa yang besi tu sangat2 pressure gigi korang. Then, for upcoming appointment after bond up, korang akan rasa sakit at least a week la sbb dentist pendekkan besi tu or pasang power chain . Power chain sumpah cantik gile , tapi sakit...

My Braces Journey 😁

credit for Google  Assalamualaikum and Hi guys... So next entry I will share another post about my KMS life and also my braces journey...yeayyy...I hope you guys can wait for it k... Bye, assalamualaikum and sayonara ~ πŸ’πŸ’

All about KMS and me!

This post I write on 5 th December 2017 view dr asrama ke blok akademik Assalamualaikum wbt… Dah lama tak update blog sbb busy dgn final and other things…hehehe… so hari ni, I will share pasal my experiences belajar dekat Kolej Mara Seremban almost 6 months since July 2017. So, entry sebelum ni, I told that I take IB (International Baccalaureate) kat sini and this program is 2 years program under MARA and Alhamdulillah, there are a lot of things that happened dkt sini from first day I jejak kaki dekat sini sampai lah habis semester 1. What I can say, duduk and belajar dekat KMS IS REALLY FUN!! Sumpah tak tipu…hahaha…macam I, from sekolah harian and tak pernah duduk asrama, I think KMS is really comfy for me and I jarang homesick. I homesick pun bila merajuk dengan kawan, rindu kawn skolah or nak dekat exam… Haaa, masa tu je… Ade lah jugak homesick dengan masakan dekat rumah sbb kat sini makanan every week tu kan sama je dekat DS ( dewan selera)… Nasi Ayam, Chicke...

Busy Life...

Assalamualaikum guys... Tabarakaallah... Sorry for the late update...Truly I'm really busy with my college and all the assignments but I'll try to spend my day to update this blog in my upcoming sem break(which is next week)...cant wait!!  I'll update where I am right now on so on... Stay tuned πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’• Assalamualaikum πŸ“š

Pengalaman Interview SPC MARA 2017

(Program Pelajar Cemerlang Mara Lepasan SPM 2016) Assalamualaikum guys and selamat sejahtera... ❤ So untuk entry ni, I'll share my experience menghadiri interview(iv) MARA... Iv ni dia buat dekat KPTM(Kolej Poly-Tech Mara) dekat Bangi pada 16/04/2017...Sesi yang saya dapat masa tu ialah sesi tengah hari...  So, pemakaian untuk menghadiri iv masa tu, adalah berpakaian sukan(tshirt, seluar track,kasut sukan)... Pelajar perempuan ade je yang pakai baju muslimah, so it's up to you lah, asalkan pakai pakaian yang menutup aurat...  So, sampai dekat tempat iv tu, kiteorng terus pergi and beratur dekat cafe dia, and ramai gila yang dtng iv ni...! Hahahah...  Masa tengah beratur tu, dia(pekerja MARA kot) akn kasi sedikit taklimat laa and dia akn suruh keluarkan salinan2 yang patut dari fail korang... Dalam dua barisan panjang tu(1 lelaki, 1 perempuan), dia akan panggil 8 orng bagi satu turn... So, kalau korang rasa selesa dengan kawan korang masa nak temuduga...

Senarai Biasiswa SPM 2016

Assalamualaikum...  Maaflah, entry kali ni lambat sikit and I guess hampir semua interview(iv) dh lepas kot ...hehehe... *google* Since dr kputusan spm hr tu, ramai yg dh isi tawaran2  and biasiswa kan?? Sy pun... Sy isi je smua, sbb diorng(family n lain2) ckp, isi je belaka...dapat atau tak, tu belakang cerita...  Sy isi, yayasan peneraju,IPG, PETRONAS(PESP), JPA n a few kolej/uni swasta ...Mostly, sy pilih engineering sbb biasiwa for medic xde pun...Disebabkan, permohonan untuk biasiswa mara mmng agak lewat dibuka , I isi je JPA sbb korang kene pilih salah satu je antara, JPA or MARA ... Buat masa skrng laaa...  Then, dh nk hmpir tarikh tutup permohonan JPA, permohonan MARA dibuka n diorng ada tawarkan bidang sains which is open to medic, pharmacy, dentist, medical science n so on... JPA dh stop taja budak perubatan sbb masalah kewangan negara n just MARA je yang hantar budak medic ke overseas...  So, I cancel permohonan JPA n isi ...